
Jan 3, 2013

Being Present

#projectlife365 #optimism
My boss stood in my office doorway today and mentioned that Hubs and I don't ever go out and do anything and it makes her sad because we're so young.  Apparently since I don't really post things on Facebook anymore, they don't happen.  I'm still confused at how this was any of her business in the first place but I was kind of relieved.  We live full lives and don't always share the details.  We have things to talk about when we meet with friends that they haven't already clicked through to see how the story ends.

I made a promise to myself this year that I would leave my camera at home for the holidays and focus on being present this year.  I spent too much time focusing on framing my memories in the camera than actually experiencing them last year and didn't really enjoy myself.  I had a blast this year because I didn't have a filter between myself and everything that was happening.  I think I just needed a break to get my priorities back in place.  I feel relaxed and ready.

Here's to being present and having stories to tell.

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